I imagine that the stevedores and river folk were glad to have a little privacy in the midst of a busy day. Anyone remember this one? I know there were 3 or 4 other public lavatories in the city at one time. I have a vague memory of one at peoples park.
In the photo a tree flourishes and branches over the present round about where this once glorious colonial vestige stood.
Is the round about (1988) there today? I rather think its not in the plans of the new entertainment centre of current yuppie Clarke Quay, but I will need the upgrade to see that. :)
The clean and green river, be assured I will be very soon posting pictures of fishermen and swimmers enjoying .....

Wow, a nice structure for a public toilet. :) I remember on at the Hock Lee Bus Terminus at South Canal Rd (I think) near to the OCBC building. Mainly for the bus drivers and conductors I think.